Irish FIDE Ratings
Player List Rating Games
Pein, Jonathan 2024 Nov 2249 0
Gillen, Stephen 2248 0
Gillen, Adrian 2245 0
Venkatesan, Kavin 2244 10
O'Reilly, Edward 2240 0
Kalinins, Valentine 2236 0
Greer, Kieran 2235 0
Houston, David 2235 0
McCann, Kevin 2235 0
White, John S. 2235 0
Hynes, Kilian A 2227 0
Popist, Florian 2216 1
Barry, Colm 2215 0
Ryan, Joseph 2213 4
Murray, John 2209 0
31-45 of 91356 matches: prev, next
What are these ratings?
The FIDE ratings of Irish players (not necessarily ICU members) from January 2000 to date. Until July 2009, FIDE published lists every 3 months and, after that, every 2 months.
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